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I have had the pleasure of working at two different internships during my college career. As you can see from my resume, my first internship was as a marketing intern at a small marketing firm called Fosina Marketing Group. While there I was in charge of data entry for current online promotions. I was also given the opportunity to do my own research and see what products I thought would be good to pair with current products as upsell items. 




My second, and current, internship is with a company called Cluck 'n Moo. They specialize in making 50% beef and 50 % chicken burgers. I am their social media intern and have created a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and wordpress blog. Below are the links to a few of these pages so you can check out a sample of the work I've done: 


Fosina Marketing Group:

Cluck 'n Moo:

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